Axel Olivecrona👋

Hello, I'm Axel. I'm a frontend developer that works at Aptoma AS. My day to day work involves plain old javascript, css and html but I enjoy designing & building hobby sites in my spare time. This porfolio site was built using React & Next.js.

About me

I graduated with a degree in Economics and Political Science, After that, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I enrolled in a Higher Vocational Education school called ITHS and learned frontend web development along with some backend/fullstack. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core technologies include Javascript, React and Vue. But I'm also familiar with TypeScript, Java, and Python. I'm always looking to learn new technologies and challenges. If you're looking to build your own website and want a custom tailor-made feel to it, connect with me and let's build something Great together

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, and walking with my dog. I enjoy learning new things and I try to read as much as possible. Let me know if you have any book recommendations! Send an email below ✉️

My projects

Vita huset Bokningssystem

Booking system for the family's vacation house. Mobile-first and serverless.

  • Nuxt.js
  • Vue.js
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • PostgreSQL
  • Link

Health Check-in

Internship project at Bontouch (Framna) where I developed a web application for employees to check in on their work health status.

  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • Auth0
  • PostgreSQL
  • Link


School project on a retail mockup store. I created backend and frontend functions, components & parts of design.

  • Vue.js
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • Vuex
  • Node.js
  • Link


School project on a mockup version of Twitter. I created pages, components, functions, the backend functionality & parts of the design.

  • React
  • Javascript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Link

Gomoku Gurus

School project on an online Gomoku game. I created pages, components, functions, the backend functionality & parts of the design.

  • React
  • Javascript
  • Firebase
  • Jest
  • Link

Weather App

Side project from online course.

  • Vue
  • Javascript
  • Tailwind
  • Link

MJ training camp

Small project to customer who needed a travel & training static website

  • Vue.js
  • Javascript
  • Link

School Portfolio

SSG Portfolio with Gatsby, Contentful and GraphQL, Detailing my courses and grades.

  • Gatsby
  • React
  • Javascript
  • Contentful
  • GraphQL
  • Link

my skills

My experience

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Front-End Developer

Aptoma AS

Working as a junior software engineer. Most tasks involve front-end development. The plattform I work on is Layoutpreview, DrEdition and ancillary customer repositories

2024 - present
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Internship Front-End Developer

Bontouch (Framna), Stockholm, Sweden

I had an internship at Bontouch (currently called Framna) where I was given a project of my own to develop a web application. This web application was called 'health check-in' and was used by the employees at the company to check in on their health status (happiness, productivity and stress) by team and across time. Built using Next.js and React, TypeScript, Tailwind and uploaded via Vercel.

Spring 2024
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Internship Front-End Developer & Designer

Atom Collaboration, Stockholm, Sweden

I had an internship at Atom Collaboration where I worked as a front-end developer and designer. I primarly worked with Figma. I also upskilled in Flutter and backend development.

Autumn 2023
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Frontend development studies


Higher Vocational Studies, Stockholm, Sweden. I studied a 2-year program and graduated summer 2024.


contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.